Thursday, November 20, 2014

Hitler and Mussolini During Hitler's 1938 State Visit to Italy

 His face expressionless, Benito Mussolini rides in an open-air car with Adolf Hitler in Florence, 9 May 1938, during Hitler's state visit to Italy. Hitler beamed and strutted like a peacock across his host’s stage, having pulled off his bloodless coup in Austria (Anschluss) earlier in March after Mussolini had abandoned his northern neighbor to the Nazi predator. Although Germany and Italy were allies Hitler didn’t go to Italy that often. He was in Venice for a few days in May 1934. There he met Mussolini. In 1938 Hitler was in Italy for a week. He saw Napoli, Florence and Rome. In Rome he met Mussolini and the king of Italy. He visited the Palazzo del Quirinale, the Palazzo Venezia and the Pantheon. Hitler and Mussolini also met on the Brennerpass, near the border between Italy and Austria, in 1940. In 1943 Hitler was in Italy again for a meeting with Mussolini in Feltre


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